“When you are younger, you’ll wish you're older. Then when you're older, you'll wish for time to turn around. Don't let your wonder turn into closure when you get older.” - Ben Platt
So, I’ve always had this thing for storytelling songs, especially songs where in the lyrics an older person is giving life advice to a younger person. (I’m sure a part of this has to do with my incredibly close relationship with my grandparents - they are two of my best friends in the world!) I simply can’t get enough of these songs - I can literally listen to them on repeat, over and over and over again, and dissect every nuance of the lyrics. Some of these songs include “Simple Man” by Lynyrd Skynyrd, “No Time At All” from the musical Pippin, “It’s My Job” by Jimmy Buffet (and in Escape to Margaritaville), and “Enjoy the Trip” from Bring It On the Musical. Most recently added to this list is the song “Older” from Ben Platt’s new album Sing to Me Instead. (Which, by the way, if you haven’t listened to it…literally right now. Stop what you’re doing and go listen to it. Trust me, it’s SO worth it! Go ahead. I’m waiting…)
Anyway, I’m not sure what it is about these songs that I connect with so deeply. I think, in a strange way, I find an inner peace from listening to the stories and life experiences of those older than me. Ever since I was a little kid, I’ve always loved talking to adults. In many ways, I’ve always connected on a deeper level with people older than me than with people my own age. I can still be this way at times. I hang on to every word a person says when they’re telling me a story from their past - I simply can’t miss a detail! I have such a respect for the past and history. There is so much that we can learn from where we've already been. More so, I think that there is something about hearing stories from people who have already lived life and who have already been right where I am now that brings me the hope that life is going to be okay. They provide me with the certainty that it’s all going to work out just the way it’s supposed to.
I have to confess though, there’s been something that’s been on my mind lately. Everyone always talks about how challenging your middle school and high school years can be. And I’m not saying that being a teenager isn’t incredibly tough, because, boy, do I know that it is! I work with teenagers often and watching them navigate the difficulties of those years brings back many of the same feelings that I had at their age. However, no one warned me about the journey that was going to be my early twenties.
Between trying to figure out who I am and what I want to do (let alone, who I want to share all of this with, where I want to be, and why I’m doing any of it in the first place) - it has all become incredibly overwhelming. And lately, the uncertainty of it all has had me quite anxious. Priorities shift, dreams change, and the things that you feel you've know all along you've suddenly become unsure of.
To quote the musical Pippin, in our twenties we’re all trying to find our “corner of the sky.” And much like the character of Pippin in that musical, we are all looking anywhere that we can to find the answers to any of life’s questions.
I often find myself thinking, “man, I wish I could just Google *insert complex life issue/question here* and get a simple answer.” How amazing would that be? Things would be so much more cut and dry. I think that comes from wanting the certainty that I’m doing okay. Does that make sense? I just want to know that it’s all going to work out and be okay in the end. I want to know that the uncertainty of the present is going to give way to the certainty of the future. But, really, there’s just no way of knowing this. Especially when the only certainty that we have is in the present moment.
ButI guess the uncertainty of life is exactly what life is all about, isn’t it? If it were all predetermined and we knew the outcome, life wouldn’t be very exciting, would it? In fact, I would dare to say, at that point, would life even be worth living? The uncertainty in life that causes anxiety or unease is the same uncertainty that brings us the beautiful, spontaneous moments that life has to offer. There would not be very much adventure in life otherwise.
Even so, this doesn't prevent the uncertainty from becoming problematic. What we can take comfort in knowing is that what each of us is going through is a universal experience. Everyone who walks the planet has been exactly where we are and they can offer advice on how they navigated (or are still navigating) the way to finding their “corner of the sky.”
I, personally, can take solace in knowing that “life is gonna find you when it’s suppose to.” The future is limitless and uncertain - but that is precisely what makes life worth living.
Often when I’m writing a blog post, I try to wrap-up my thoughts by offering advice or my own perspective. But, to be honest, I’m still figuring things out! I haven’t arrived at a conclusion to this just yet and I certainly haven't found all the answers (or even some of the answers.) However, I'm on my way!
So, instead, I want to open up the floor! I’m incredibly curious to know, what advice would you give to your 20 year old self? Feel free to comment on this blog below or on the Facebook post that I share this blog post on. Since we don’t have the answers to these questions just yet, in the meantime, let's pull and learn from one another’s experiences. I can’t wait to read these responses!
Jam of the Moment

“Older” from Ben Platt’s Sing to Me Instead
To be frank, this entire album rips my heart out. I will never forget the first time I listened to this album. Never have I ever had an album make all of the hair on my body stand straight up and make my eyes instantly well-up with tears. There is something so simply human, raw, guttural, and honest about this album. There is no fluff - these songs are about real, complex, human emotions. There is simply not a bad song on this album. However, the song "Older" spoke to me on a deeper level. Despite having an incredible melody and verse/chorus structure, this song has some of the greatest lyrics that I’ve ever heard. Every time I listen to the song, I find another lyrical nuance to obsess over. Throw in Ben Platt’s incredibly versatile and smooth voice and riffing, amazing piano parts, and a back-up choir and you are in for what has become one of my absolute favorite songs. Give it a listen! You won’t be disappointed!